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Why choose a Humanist Ceremony?

Writer's picture: Sarah Donovan Sarah Donovan

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

What makes Humanist ceremonies so different?

Celebrant holding a folder
Sarah Donovan Humanist Celebrant

We Should all have Access to Ceremonies that Reflect our World View.

The Central Statistics Office recently published Census 2022 figures showing that 14% of the Irish population identify as having ‘No Religion’. That is up from 9.8 in 2016 and 5.9 per in 2011. It’s only going one way. Ireland, while still predominantly Roman Catholic, is changing and people are looking for new ways to mark their important occasions. It is only fair that we all have the opportunity to engage in ceremonies that mirror our unique worldviews.

Most Civilisations Mark Rites of Passage- Births, Transition to Adulthood, Marriage and Death.

Throughout the history of civilization, we find a common thread among most cultures – the celebration of rites of passage that mark the journey through life. Whether it is the welcome arrival of a newborn, the promising transition from youth into adulthood, the joyous union of marriage, or the sad farewell to a loved one, ceremonies hold a special place in our hearts.

They are moments where we gather, in the presence of our loved ones, to acknowledge and honour significant milestones that shape our individual cultures and stories.

Humanist Ceremonies Embrace Empathy and Inclusivity

Traditional ceremonies often support beliefs or values that may not resonate with everyone involved. This is where a Humanist ceremony differs from other ceremonies. Humanist ceremonies are not anti-religious they are just not religious. They do not acknowledge any dogma or superstition and are not bound by any superhuman belief. As humanists, we embrace the pursuit of knowledge, reason, and critical thinking. A secular ceremony aligns with these principles, valuing logic and thoughtful reflection as we design each element. We create ceremonies that celebrate the beauty of the human spirit.

Humanist ceremonies, rooted in humanist principles, are constructed with inclusivity and empathy in mind. We create a space where everyone can feel respected and valued, regardless of their religious or non-religious affiliations.

What is a Secular Ceremony?

Humanism is a philosophy of life and is not owned by any one body of people but when thinking about your ceremony it is worth investigating the significance of deciding on a Humanist ceremony. When it comes to one of the most important days of your life, your wedding, choosing a secular ceremony becomes even more crucial.

Some organisations in Ireland will offer ‘non-religious’ ceremonies but it is important to ask what this really means. The content of the wedding ceremony may be ‘non-religious’ but it may still be recorded as ‘religious’ on official records. Only celebrants accredited by the Humanist Association of Ireland can officiate secular weddings in Ireland. This will be recorded on your marriage certificate and documented in official statistics as such. So even though a celebrant from another organisation may say they can offer a humanist ceremony, it will be officially recorded as ‘religious’. If you want a secular ceremony, you need a secular celebrant. The only other official ‘non-religious’ ceremony is a Civil ceremony offered by the HSE.

Humanist Ceremonies are Deliberate, Meaningful and Dramatic occasions that take us Out of Ordinary Life for a time.

Ceremonies, with their stirring rituals and profound words are not just gatherings. They act as channels for emotions, memories, and reflections, bringing us to a place that goes beyond the norm of everyday life. From the tone and atmosphere we create, to the deliberate and meaningful actions, ceremonies have a way of taking us on an extraordinary journey, even if only for a brief moment. But they happen in real time; with real people and real emotions. They are not a representation of some false life. In Humanist ceremonies, we tell genuine stories, shed actual tears and double over with authentic laughter in our ceremonies. We celebrate the human.

Two grooms and celebrant laughing during a wedding ceremony
Humanist wedding ceremony

Ceremonies Reflect our Traditions and Values.

And at the heart of every Humanist Ceremony lies the essence of humanist values – a celebration of life, love, and the pursuit of what truly matters.

Our ceremonies are profound reflections of not just our personal beliefs and convictions, but also of the collective wisdom of our families. They are deeply rooted in our traditions and values, passed down through generations.

A Humanist Ceremony taps into our cultural heritage, but also allows space for what important in our lives now.

A Humanist Ceremony, tailored to individual preferences, has the ability to capture the essence of what is most important in our lives, speaking volumes about our identity and what truly matters to us. Here we can build on what has passed and breathe new life into customs of generations.

Ceremonies Affect our Lives and may Change How we Live.

The impact of ceremonies on our lives is undeniable. They have the power to shape our views, attitudes, and actions, influencing the course of our existence in ways we may not even notice. Every ceremony, no matter how grand or intimate, has the potential to light a spark within us, inspiring us to embrace new possibilities or recommit to the values we hold dear. Think of the sense of purpose a Guide-Parent feels as they make their vows to the child; Think of the energy of the commitment between the newly married couple; Think of the potential power of the young person about to step over the threshold into adulthood. It is within these precious rituals that we often find a sense of purpose. The act of coming together, of bearing witness to our shared humanity, that adds meaning and depth to our lives. It may also mark out a new path into the future.

Our Ceremonies say a lot about Who We Are.

Humanist Ceremonies are not merely an excuse to party (although we have no objection to a good party!) – they are profound reflections of our identities. They represent the story we choose to tell the world, a snapshot into what we hold dear. Each element, from the choice of readings and music to the symbolic gestures, is carefully chosen to express our personal values and aspirations. Just as lighting a candle represents hope, a tender moment of silence honours a departed loved one, and an honest vow promises everlasting love - our ceremonies become mirrors that reveal who we truly are.

By choosing a Humanist Ceremony for our celebration, we are making a stand. We want to mark this tremendous occasion in our lives in a structured way, in front of our favourite people in a way that pay respect to the values we live by. We are not just falling in with all the traditions of yore. We are bringing along those traditions and shaping them into something new.

A Humanist Ceremony can capture what is Most Important to you.

The benefits to choosing a Humanist Ceremony are undeniable. We all deserve the opportunity to participate in ceremonies that align with our personal beliefs and values, to create unique stories that reflect our diverse worldviews. As each ceremony unfolds, we cultivate a deep connection - not only to ourselves, but to each other, gently weaving the tapestry of our shared human experience. Through the deliberate, intentional, and dramatic nature of Humanist Ceremonies, we move outside the ordinary, to a place that can move us on a very deep level.

Bride and groom lighting candles during wedding ceremony with celebrant.
Lighting Unity Candles

With so many options out there, a Humanist Ceremony is the only truly secular option. Humanist ceremonies mark individuality, offering a unique canvas to capture what is most important to us. With its emphasis on the human values of reason, equality and compassion, a Humanist Ceremony offers an experience that is deeply personal, meaningful, and authentic without any reference to anything supernatural. Whether we choose to celebrate our unwavering commitment to love and equality, our reverence for the natural world, or our belief in the power of human connection, a Humanist Ceremony provides the freedom to celebrate our own truth.

Good Reason to choose a Humanist Ceremony

Whatever way we want to celebrate our life’s milestones-whether in a formal, fun, lavish, intimate manner, we can be sure that a Humanist Ceremony can resonate with our hearts and minds. We combine humanist values, traditions, and symbolism to create an experience that celebrates who we are and what we hold dear.

Every choice we make, every ceremony we engage in, has the potential to transform our lives in ways we can't even imagine. When we celebrate these extraordinary moments, with a Humanist Ceremony, we truly discover the deep beauty of being human and we feel truly alive!

Thank you for reading. Please leave a 'like' or leave a comment if you found this interesting.



Barbara Cullinan
Barbara Cullinan
Nov 30, 2023

Sarah that's a wonderful article. You capture the essence of Humanist celebrancy really well. As you say, we have a deep human need to attach significance to the important moments in our lives. It has always been thus - we have always come together to mark occasions like the birth of a child, a marriage, the death of a loved one. Humanist celebrancy is about helping us to attach significance to these occasions and to mark them in the way that is most appropriate for us and those we feel closest to. Humanist celebrants like you understand the importance of these rites of passage for our well being - our communities, our identity, our sense of belonging and being impo…


Nov 29, 2023

Stunning words - a beautiful photos!


©2021 by Sarah Donovan 

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